of Internet-based document editing and presentation to author, display, codify, and manage in-house all aspects of your City/County Codes, and specifically, the zoning and land development regulations, form based code, or design guidelines.
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麻雀加速器破解Plus™ is an Internet-based document presentation and content management system (CMS) used for municipal / county code codification and online publishing. Developed by the community planners of Kendig Keast Collaborative (KKC), enCodePlus is designed to ease the navigation, understanding, and use of zoning and land development regulations, form-based codes, design guidelines, policies, or plans or entire codes of ordinances.
To learn more about how we can add value and efficiency for your department or organization, let us demonstrate how this state-of-the-art technology will reduce staff time and reflect positively on your jurisdiction’s progressiveness, transparency, and emphasis on customer service! Request a Demo or a Quote today!
- ADA Compliant (WCAG 2.0) public interface
- In-house (or consulted*) codification
- Real-time, same day web publishing
- Historic archiving and keyword retrieval
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- Citizen-friendly navigation
- Uniquely branded and customizable
*Code drafting is available through Kendig Keast Collaborative and recodification / codification is available through our exclusive partnership with Municode.
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- Economic Development Corporations / Partnerships
- Townships and Boroughs
- Planning Consultants (qualified partners only)
Integrating GIS technology to create useful tools for geo-referencing land uses and districts, applicable zoning standards, and, where applicable, Multiple Listing Service (MLS) lease-sale properties.
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A ViewPro product.
Facilitating building and planning application uploads, email confirmations, collaborative review and comment, and procedural tracking.
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Parking Requirements

Landscape Standards

Bufferyard Requirements

Sign Standards

Standard 90° includes all the features listed below:
- Editable code content in online (HTML) format
- In-line text, tables and graphics
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- Mobile device viewing and navigation

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- Custom branded site
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